Work-life balance among Icelandic municipal employees

Þýddur titill verks: Jafnvægi í vinnu og einkalífi starfsfólks íslenskra sveitarfélaga

Rannsóknarafurð: Framlag á ráðstefnuVeggspjald


When we feel that we face the challenges of our daily lives, we feel good. Well-being includes, among other things, balancing the different roles we are obligated to play — roles such as being an employee, parent, spouse, and friend. The aim of the study was to examine the balance between work and private life among municipal employees and its correlation with job satisfaction, overtime, and turnover intentions. An online questionnaire was sent to all employees in 14 municipalities in Iceland in 2021; the response rate was 57%.
The results showed a positive relationship between work-life balance and job satisfaction, as well as a negative correlation between work-life balance and overtime and turnover intentions. The results indicate that more work-life balance reflected higher job satisfaction, less overtime, and fewer turnover intentions. It is important that municipal administrators carefully examine the work environment of employees and make improvements as best they can to counteract the torment shown by the results of this study.
Þýddur titill verksJafnvægi í vinnu og einkalífi starfsfólks íslenskra sveitarfélaga
Upprunalegt tungumálEnska
ÚtgáfustaðaÚtgefið - 14 jún. 2022
ViðburðurWellbeing at work - Online, Pólland
Tímalengd: 13 jún. 202215 jún. 2022


RáðstefnaWellbeing at work

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