Scientific Progress, Understanding, and Knowledge: Reply to Park

Finnur Dellsén*

*Fyrsti höfundur fyrir þetta verk

Rannsóknarafurð: Framlag til fræðitímaritsGreinritrýni

7 Tilvitnanir (Scopus)


Dellsén (2016) has recently argued for an understanding-based account of scientific progress, the noetic account, according to which science (or a particular scientific discipline) makes cognitive progress precisely when it increases our understanding of some aspect of the world. I contrast this account with Bird’s (2007, 2015); epistemic account, according to which such progress is made precisely when our knowledge of the world is increased or accumulated. In a recent paper, Park (2017) criticizes various aspects of my account and his arguments in favor of the noetic account as against Bird’s epistemic account. This paper responds to Park’s objections. An important upshot of the paper is that we should distinguish between episodes that constitute and promote scientific progress, and evaluate account of scientific progress in terms of how they classify different episodes with respect to these categories.

Upprunalegt tungumálEnska
Síður (frá-til)451-459
FræðitímaritJournal for General Philosophy of Science
Númer tölublaðs3
ÚtgáfustaðaÚtgefið - 1 sep. 2018


Publisher Copyright:
© 2018, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., part of Springer Nature.


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