Hydrogels containing monocaprin prevent intravaginal and intracutaneous infections with HSV-2 in mice: Impact on the search for vaginal microbicides

Johan Neyts*, T. Kristmundsdóttir, Erik De Clercq, Halldor Thormar

*Fyrsti höfundur fyrir þetta verk

Rannsóknarafurð: Framlag til fræðitímaritsGreinritrýni


Hydrogel formulations containing the 1-monoglyceride of capric acid (monocaprin) possess potent in vitro microbicidal activity against HIV and HSV, Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. These formulations were studied to determine whether they prevent intracutaneous and intravaginal infections of mice with HSV-2, a virus that is in vitro as sensitive to the virucidal action of the compound as is HIV. In mice intravaginal infection with HSV-2 and the associated mortality was prevented completely when the infection was carried out in the presence of a 20 mM monocaprin containing gel formulation. Similarly, virtually complete protection of lesion development and associated mortality was observed when mice were infected intracutaneously with HSV-2 in the presence of gels containing 10 or 20 mM monocaprin. No irritation or toxicity was observed following application of the gel to the skin or the vaginal mucosa. Hydrogel formulations of monocaprin could thus be pursued as vaginal microbicides for the prevention of sexual transmission of HSV, HIV and other infectious pathogens. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Upprunalegt tungumálEnska
Síður (frá-til)107-110
FræðitímaritJournal of Medical Virology
Númer tölublaðs1
ÚtgáfustaðaÚtgefið - 2000


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