Air pollution emission inventory using national high-resolution spatial parameters for the Nordic countries and analysis of PM2.5 spatial distribution for road transport and machinery and off-road sectors

Ville Veikko Paunu*, Niko Karvosenoja, David Segersson, Susana López-Aparicio, Ole Kenneth Nielsen, Marlene Schmidt Plejdrup, Throstur Thorsteinsson, Dam Thanh Vo, Jeroen Kuenen, Hugo Denier Van Der Gon, Jukka Pekka Jalkanen, Jørgen Brandt, Camilla Geels

*Fyrsti höfundur fyrir þetta verk

Rannsóknarafurð: Framlag til fræðitímaritsGreinritrýni


Air pollution is an important cause of adverse health effects, even in the Nordic countries, which have relatively good air quality. Modelling-based air quality assessment of the health impacts relies on reliable model estimates of ambient air pollution concentrations, which furthermore rely on good-quality spatially resolved emission data. While quantitative emission estimates are the cornerstone of good emission data, description of the spatial distribution of the emissions is especially important for local air quality modelling at high resolution. In this paper we present a new air pollution emission inventory for the Nordic countries with high-resolution spatial allocation (1km×1km) covering the years 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2012, and 2014. The inventory is available at 10.5281/zenodo.10571094 (Paunu et al., 2023). To study the impact of applying national data and methods to the spatial distribution of the emissions, we compared road transport and machinery and off-road sectors to CAMS-REGv4.2, which used a consistent spatial distribution method throughout Europe for each sector. Road transport is a sector with well-established proxies for spatial distribution, while for the machinery and off-road sector, the choice of proxies is not as straightforward as it includes a variety of different type of vehicles and machines operating in various environments. We found that CAMS-REGv4.2 was able to produce similar spatial patterns to our Nordic inventory for the selected sectors. However, the resolution of our Nordic inventory allows for more detailed impact assessment than CAMS-REGv4.2, which had a resolution of 0.1°×0.05° (longitude-latitude, roughly 5.5km×3.5-6.5km in the Nordic countries). The EMEP/EEA Guidebook chapter on spatial mapping of emissions has recommendations for the sectoral proxies. Based on our analysis we argue that the guidebook should have separate recommendations for proxies for several sub-categories of the machinery and off-road sectors, instead of including them within broader sectors. We suggest that land use data are the best starting point for proxies for many of the subsectors, and they can be combined with other suitable data to enhance the spatial distribution. For road transport, measured traffic flow data should be utilized where possible, to support modelled data in the proxies.

Upprunalegt tungumálEnska
Síður (frá-til)1453-1474
FræðitímaritEarth System Science Data
Númer tölublaðs3
ÚtgáfustaðaÚtgefið - 15 mar. 2024


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