The dynamics of electronically excited states in the rare-gas-halogen systems

R. J. Donovan, P. Greenhill, M. A. MacDonald, A. J. Yencha, William S. Hartree, Keith Johnson, Christopher Jouvet, Agust Kvaran, John P. Simons*

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23 Citations (Scopus)


Detailed studies of the reactions of electronically excited IBr[E(0+)] with Xe, translationally excited Xe(3P2) with I2, Br2 and ICl, and Kr(3P2) with Br2 are reported. Vibrationally excited levels in the E(0+) ion-pair state of IBr were pumped using tunable synchrotron radiation and the 'vibrational' excitation function for XeBr(B) formation determined for energies ≤66 kJ mol-1 above threshold. Branching ratios for XeBr(B) vs. XeI(B) formation, together with data for the alternative excitation-transfer channel have also been determined over the same energy range. Fully dispersed chemiluminescence spectra and their polarizations have been measured under superthermal atomic beam [Xe(3P2), Kr(3P2)]-Maxwellian gas (I2, Br2, ICl) conditions at average collision energies Ēcm < 120 kJ mol-1. These have revealed distinctive patterns of behaviour for the collisional energy dependence of branching into alternative atom- and excitation-transfer channels and of vibrational energy and rotational angular momentum disposals. A simple global model is presented to reconcile the varying patterns of behaviour found in the rare-gas-halogen systems under both 'collisional' and 'complexed' conditions, and in particular the dependence on the initial reagent state preparation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)221-238
Number of pages18
JournalFaraday Discussions of the Chemical Society
Publication statusPublished - 1987


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