Sexual abuse, family violence/conflict, substance use, religion and spirituality among Icelandic adolescents

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Experiencing sexual abuse and family violence/conflict is related to greater risk of adolescent substance use (drugs, alcohol and cigarettes), with significant health implications. Religion and spirituality are connected with less substance use, which may be even more true for adolescents with a history of abuse, violence and conflict. Currently Nordic research on this topic is lacking, but the Nordic religious context is unique, with populous State churches but low public attendance at religious events. This study examined the relationships of sexual abuse and family violence/conflict with substance use, as well as the buffering effects of religion (religious participation and parent and peer religion, PPR) and spirituality (one’s own relationship with a higher power). Population survey data from Icelandic adolescents (N = 7365) were analyzed using hierarchical linear regression. Sexual abuse and family violence/conflict related to greater substance use. Spirituality and PPR were connected to less substance use, but religious participation related to greater use of drugs and cigarettes. Both spirituality and PPR buffered the relationships between sexual abuse and family violence/conflict and cigarette use. In addition, spirituality was a buffer between sexual abuse and family violence/conflict and drug use. Certain aspects of religion and spirituality may therefore have positive effects on adolescents, which are particularly pronounced for victims of sexual abuse and family violence/conflict. More research is needed to fully understand these relationships and how they relate to the lives of Nordic youth.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)51-64
JournalNordic Psychology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jan 2020

Other keywords

  • sexual abuse
  • family violence
  • conflict
  • adolescents
  • substance use
  • religion
  • spirituality


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