Predictor-based optimal control of supply temperature in district heating systems

O. P. Palsson*, H. Madsen, H. T. Sogaard

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


A modified version of the linear quadratic Gaussian controller is presented, which is build upon the prediction form of the model. This implies that the controller is more capable of handling non-stationarities, like time-varying model parameters, than the classical type of linear quadratic Gaussian controller, which usually is based on the solution of the Diophantine or the Riccati Equation (in the state-space case). The linear quadratic Gaussian controller is used in a simulation study together with a transfer function model, with time-varying parameters, that describes the relations between supply temperature of the water from a district heating plant and the supply temperature at specific locations in the distribution network. The simulation results show that the variance of the differenced control signal can be reduced drastically without affecting the performance of the controller significantly.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIFAC Symposia Series
PublisherPubl by Pergamon Press Inc
Number of pages5
ISBN (Print)0080417094
Publication statusPublished - 1992
EventProceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Control of Power Plants and Power Systems - Munich, Ger
Duration: 9 Mar 199211 Mar 1992

Publication series

NameIFAC Symposia Series
ISSN (Print)0962-9505


ConferenceProceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Control of Power Plants and Power Systems
CityMunich, Ger


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