Magnetic induction and plasma impedance in a planar inductive discharge

J. T. Gudmundsson*, M. A. Lieberman

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

33 Citations (Scopus)


For a planar inductive discharge the magnetic induction components Br(r,z) and Bz(r,z), the electric field component Eθ(r,z) and the plasma current are calculated from first principles assuming axisymmetric geometry. The mutual inductance M between the primary and secondary circuit, the self-inductance L2 of the plasma and the impedance of the plasma are determined theoretically and related to the properties of the plasma. A global (volume-averaged) discharge model is applied to relate the electron and ion densities and the electron temperature in an argon plasma to the neutral gas pressure and power in the pressure range 2-60 mTorr. The planar inductive discharge is modelled as a transformer with the inductive coil taken as the primary circuit and the plasma as the secondary circuit to find the impedance characteristics in the primary circuit due to the plasma load and the capacitive coupling between the coil and the plasma. The model calculations are compared to measured impedance, rf current and rf voltage, showing fair agreement.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)83-95
Number of pages13
JournalPlasma Sources Science and Technology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - May 1998


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