Persónuleikapróf eru mikið notuð í sálfræði. Mikilvægt er að svarendur þeirra geti ekki villt á sér heimildir. Athugað var hvort þátttakendur gætu svarað persónuleikaprófi Eysencks í samræmi við starfsauglýsingu. Ennfremur var athugað hvort sjálfstjórn hefði áhrif á getu þátttakenda við að villa á sér heimildir. Niðurstöður sýna að þátttakendur gátu svarað persónuleikaprófi Eysencks í samræmi við upplýsingar sem þeir fengu í tilraunaaðstæðum. Afdráttarlausar niðurstöður um áhrif sjálfstjórnar fengust ekki í þessari rannsókn.
Personality tests are instruments used frequently in psychology. It is imperative that respondents not be able to fake their results on such a test. Respondents ability to answer Eysenck's Personality Questionnaire in accordance with a job advertisement was investigated. The effect of self-monitoring on respondents ability to fake was also investigated. Results show that respondents were able to answer Eysenck's Personality Questionnaire in accordance with the information provided in the experimental setting. Results on the effect of self-monitoring on faking were inconclusive.
Personality tests are instruments used frequently in psychology. It is imperative that respondents not be able to fake their results on such a test. Respondents ability to answer Eysenck's Personality Questionnaire in accordance with a job advertisement was investigated. The effect of self-monitoring on respondents ability to fake was also investigated. Results show that respondents were able to answer Eysenck's Personality Questionnaire in accordance with the information provided in the experimental setting. Results on the effect of self-monitoring on faking were inconclusive.
Original language | Icelandic |
Journal | Sálfræðiritið |
Publication status | Published - 1994 |
Other keywords
- Persónuleikapróf
- Sálfræðipróf
- Personality Tests
- Questionnaires