Í greininni er fjallað um atvinnu og atvinnuuppbyggingu í dreifbýli, hvernig hún horfir við íbúum á landsbyggðinni og hvaða áhrif hún hefur á stöðu kynjanna. Seinni hluta síðustu aldar einkenndust aðgerðir stjórnvalda af tilraunum til að bregðast við samdrætti í landbúnaðarframleiðslu, of stórum skipastóli og minnkandi afla. Margt bendir til þess að skammtímasjónarmið og skortur á heildarstefnumótun og langtímamarkmiðum hafi hamlað árangri á þessu sviði. Í greininni er fjallað um atvinnustefnu stjórnvalda í ljósi reynslu kvenna og karla á sunnanverðum Vestfjörðum, sem skilgreindir eru sem „varnarsvæði“ í búsetuþróun. Fram kemur að hin opinbera atvinnustefna hefur orðið mörgum á landsbyggðinni dýrkeypt og tortryggni gætir gagnvart stjórnvaldsaðgerðum. Karlar hafa bitra reynslu af stórtækum uppbyggingaráformum stjórnvalda í einstökum atvinnugreinum meðan konur telja sig eiga erfiðara uppdráttar en karlar hvað varðar styrki og stuðning. Enda þótt kveðið hafi verið á um jafnréttissjónarmið í opinberri stefnumótun síðan í lok síðustu aldar hafa atvinnuskapandi aðgerðir ekki tekið mið af mismunandi aðstæðum og möguleikum kvenna og karla. Brýnt er að atvinnu- og byggðastefna byggist á vel ígrunduðum langtímasjónarmiðum og taki mið af kynja- og jafnréttissjónarmiðum.
The article addresses employment and employment policies in rural areas. We explore men and women’s employment opportunities in rural areas, and whether it has gendered consequences. During the last decades policy making in rural areas has been characterized by attempts to respond to reductions in agricultural production and reduced fishing. Long term policy has been lacking and short term measures have been pursued without sufficient preparation and concern for long term effects. The article discusses the experience of men and women’s employment opportunities in the South Westfjords, which turned out to be a painful experience. There is scepticism towards public governance, men have bitter experiences of grandiose plans and activities encouraged by the government whereas women consider themselves discriminated against regarding support and financing. Although gender equality has been a part of public policy for a long period these measures have not taken gender into account. It is important that employment policy and rural policy is well informed and receptive to gender perspectives.
The article addresses employment and employment policies in rural areas. We explore men and women’s employment opportunities in rural areas, and whether it has gendered consequences. During the last decades policy making in rural areas has been characterized by attempts to respond to reductions in agricultural production and reduced fishing. Long term policy has been lacking and short term measures have been pursued without sufficient preparation and concern for long term effects. The article discusses the experience of men and women’s employment opportunities in the South Westfjords, which turned out to be a painful experience. There is scepticism towards public governance, men have bitter experiences of grandiose plans and activities encouraged by the government whereas women consider themselves discriminated against regarding support and financing. Although gender equality has been a part of public policy for a long period these measures have not taken gender into account. It is important that employment policy and rural policy is well informed and receptive to gender perspectives.
Original language | Icelandic |
Pages (from-to) | 23-44 |
Journal | The Icelandic Society |
Volume | 7 |
Issue number | 1 |
Publication status | Published - 16 Dec 2016 |
Other keywords
- Atvinnustefna
- Stjórnvaldsákvarðanir
- Dreifbýli
- Kynjamismunun
- Jafnréttismál
- Vestfirðir
- Employment policy
- Public governance
- Rural areas
- Gender imbalance
- Gender equality
- Westfjords