Assessment of feldspar solubility constants in water in the range 0° to 350°C at vapor saturation pressures

Stefán Arnórsson*, Andri Stefánsson

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76 Citations (Scopus)


The equilibrium constants for endmember feldspar hydrolysis for the following reactions NaAlSi3O8 + 8H2O = Na+ + Al(OH)-4 + 3H4SiO04 KAlSi3O8 + 8H2O = K+ + Al(OH)-4 + 3H4SiO04 CaAl2Si2O8 + 8H2O = Ca+2 + 2Al(OH)-4 + 2H4SiO04 are accurately described by log Klow-albite-96.267+305,542/T2-3985.50/T-28.588 · 10-6 · T2+35.790 · log T log Khigh-albite-97.275+306,065/T2-3313.51/T-28.622 · 10-6 · T2+35.851 · log T log Kmicrocline-78.594+311,970/T2-6068.38/T-27.776 · 10-6 · T2+30.308 · log T log Ksanidine-77.837+316,431/T2-5719.10/T-27.712 · 10-6 · T2+29.738 · log T log Kanorthite-88.591+326,546/T2-2720.61/T-40.100 · 10-6 · T2+31.168 · log T where T is in K. They are valid in the range 0° to 350°C, at 1 bar below 100°C and at vapor saturation pressures (Psat) at higher temperatures. The equations for low-albite and microcline are valid for Amelia albite and for microcline with the same degree of Al-Si order (Z = 0.95), respectively. The same kind of log K-temperature equations have also been retrieved for alkali-feldspar and plagioclase solid solutions (tables 4 and 6). The calculated feldspar equilibrium constants of this study indicate much higher solubility under weathering conditions than generally accepted to date, the difference being more than one and a half orders of magnitude at 0°C for both high- and low-albite, but somewhat less for microcline, sanidine, and anorthite. This higher solubility is largely a consequence of new data for the thermodynamic properties of H4SiO04. The present results have a particularly important bearing on the stability of feldspars under weathering conditions and the study of interaction between water and rock/soil in this environment They are, however, also important for the study of equilibrium/dis-equilibrium conditions in active geothermal systems.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)173-209
Number of pages37
JournalAmerican Journal of Science
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 1999


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