Activities per year
- 2 Oral presentation
Tungumálastefna og starfshættir fjölskyldna innflytjenda á Íslandi og áhrif þeirra á menntun: Niðurstöður úr viðtölum við skólastjóra
Eiríksdóttir, A. K. (Speaker) & Emilsson Pesková, R. (Speaker)
29 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Language Policies and Practices of Diverse Immigrant Families in Iceland and their Implications for Education
Ragnarsdóttir, H. (Speaker), Jónsdóttir, K. (Speaker), Lefever, S. C. (Speaker), Emilsson Pesková, R. (Speaker), Benediktsson, A. I. (Speaker), Tran, A. D. K. (Speaker), Jónsdóttir, K. L. S. (Speaker) & Eiríksdóttir, A. K. (Speaker)
21 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation