MSE-Lab - Materials Science & Engineering Centre

Facility/equipment: Facility

    Equipments Details


    The objective of this project is to build up the necessary infrastructure to strengthen this capability and create new possibilities for research and development within materials science and materials engineering in Iceland.

    The proposed infrastructure will facilitate synergy between fields, and through that new possibilities, research directions and development in numerous fields including materials science, nanotechnology, solid state physics, advanced manufacturing, large-scale production and biomedical technology, and will bring research and development capabilities in Iceland up to high international standards.

    Fundamental to research and development of new materials is the capability for high-level fabrication, detailed characterisation and real-world testing.

    Fundamental to research and development of new materials is the capability for high-level fabrication, detailed characterisation and real-world testing.

    The objective of this project is to build up the necessary infrastructure to strengthen this capability and create new possibilities for research and development within materials science and materials engineering in Iceland.

    The proposed infrastructure will facilitate synergy between fields, and through that new possibilities, research directions and development in numerous fields including materials science, nanotechnology, solid state physics, advanced manufacturing, large-scale production and biomedical technology, and will bring research and development capabilities in Iceland up to high international standards.

    The proposed infrastructure investment targets all aspects of the development and research of new materials and their utilisation. The materials fabrication includes instrumentation for additive manufacturing and production processes as well as materials development at the nano-scale for high-tech applications and research. The analytical instrumentation will facilitate materials research from atomic dimensions up to large-scale testing in industrial applications such as within the energy and energy-intensive production sectors.

    This comprehensive implementation will create a direct path from materials development to industrial-scale applications and bring Iceland to the forefront of new industrial developments and research topics. This in turn will increase collaboration opportunities between universities, research institutes and companies within Iceland, as well as increase the possibilities for international collaboration.

    Additive manufacturing (3D metal printing) has the potential for replacing various existing manufacturing processes, saving material, creating new geometries and much more. 3D metal printing capabilities will open new possibilities in design and innovative thinking, kick-starting an emerging technology in Iceland. Combining 3D metal printing with other advanced manufacturing equipment and analysis instrumentation will bring Iceland to the frontline of high-tech manufacturing and design.

    Nano-fabrication and the development of new materials are at the core of new research and technological advancement, and evolving at an enormous pace. This new investment will support new research and development in new materials, devices, solid state physics and functional thin films and surfaces – creating a world-leading hub for nanomaterials science. High-level analytical instrumentation lies at the heart of materials science, where detailed characterisation of composition, crystal structure, morphology, and electrical, magnetic and optical properties is vital and creates a foundation for understanding their properties and utilisation in technological applications.

    Systematic creation, analysis and material testing of mechanical properties and durability are crucial for the development of new materials which are capable of withstanding mechanical wear and harsh conditions such as superhot, geothermal and corrosive environments. Research and development on high-temperature production processes have the potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption in energy-intensive production industries. As these industries contribute a large portion of greenhouse gas emissions, development within this field is vital for achieving carbon neutrality and a greener future.


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